23. September 2014 – 17:09 25 Jahre Mauerfall or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Ossis/Wessis Press releases: Press Release “25 Jahre Mauerfall…” (PDF) Presseinformation “25 Jahre Mauerfall…” (PDF) Credit: S/w-Ausschnitt Fotograf: Gert Schütz, © Landesarchiv Berlin, K00532, Bildmontage: ETB | IPAC These photos may be used if the author or licensor are acknowledged and only for coverage concerning the ETB | IPAC project 25 Jahre Mauerfall or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Ossis/Wessis. ‹Director of We Are the Play, Chang Nai Wen, Interviewed in tip Berlin The Emigrants›