etb English
International Performing Arts Center

Blog Archive

Sleep No More – The Madness of Lady Macbeth

Taking Act 5, Scene 1 of The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare as a point of departure, we have created a theatrical/musical performance to present a portrait of Lady Macbeth.

Using the form of the monologue to play with different techniques of story-telling, we present the picture of a woman in whom desire and imagination overreach the space that her time and social conditions have defined for her. The woman in a closed room has existed always, exists today.

An attempt at observing the consequences of confining, even forgetting about, the desires and imaginations of one such woman.

Through the character of Lady Macbeth, we explore the spaces created by one recurring, dominant narrative; in her mind, this space becomes her cage. Imprisoned by her narrative, Lady Macbeth is trapped in time and space in a recurring loop that presents no window of escape.

While observing a character trapped inside the dominance of a single narrative, the act of the performance itself attempts to offer a tentative way of escape from the clutches of a single, dominant narrative by engaging itself with multiple narratives. In concrete terms, while Lady Macbeth cannot transcend her narrative, the performers themselves achieve a space where transcendence becomes possible – by merging forms, donning and letting go of different identities (characters), by slipping from spoken text to song to movement.

She Came, She Saw, She Said: Meme

When Hyunsin encountered dance, she was quite relieved to no longer be limited to the representation of the female Asian stereotypes, quite common in theater and film. She soon realized, however, that the international dance scene had its own mechanisms of exoticizing of “the other”.

The Western pioneers of dance dived into the “Far East” at the beginning of the 20th century. The “foreign”, with its aspects of beauty, naturalness, authenticity and erotic became the inspiration for the “new” dance which appeared afterwards. Ted Shawn became Shiva, Mary Wigman a witch. Although the fascination of the other is no longer primarily expressed through impersonation and representation anymore, its attraction somehow continues to persist. Hyunsin now asks the naïve question: Can stereotypes exist beyond mere parody and reproduction? Could there be a way to turn them into means of empowerment? Together with live music by Baly Nguyen, Hyunsin delves into these clichés.


We came to Berlin about 7 months ago.

One day we bought a one-way ticket from Lisbon to Berlin and left everything behind. The purpose? Start over. The world is a far too good experience to miss. New country. New city. New people. New language(s). A room and then another, and then a flat. Papers to fill, the verbs, the articles, der, die, das, and Europe on the brink.

Somewhere between spoken word theater and a “dysfunctional” musical in English, Portuguese and German, Übersetzung is a kaleidoscopic view on what’s happening in Europe today.


When women get Gordas, they get thick, heavy, strong, penetrating, troubled and really powerful. Be Gordas!

Gordas is a performance that spins around what’s feminine. From its inception, it was aimed to address the issues of what it means to be a woman personally, socially and professionally.

We are actresses investigating passions, concepts, forms, deformities and intensities. So, what does being a female mean? And what does being an actress mean? In the answers we found different concepts: beautiful, skinny, docile, friendly, crazy, incomprehensible, unbalanced, passionate, erotic, etc.

We address three large chaotic groups as research materials: The chaos inside of ourselves (our personal history, our prejudices, our memories, our pains, etc.), the external chaos (social networks, media, the speed of information, movies, theater, music, dance, images, news, etc.) and the possibility of a chaotic relationship between these two large groups (how to articulate what we are with what happens in the outside world).

We step out of the ordinary, reaching beyond conventional patterns, making every day’s life a theatrical dramatization, an artifice, a metaphor of the battle we fight against the established order. In Gordas, all this information implodes in the body of the actresses and becomes performance. Everything that happens is a performance, everything around us is reality and everything we do is an interpretation.

Info Abend for the 2016 Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion: A Showcase of Wahlberliner

English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center puts its Miete where its mouth is with our annual festival featuring our most important resource – the community of international artists and the English-language Freie Szene.

Over six evenings, the festival features a curated selection of performances by multiple artists (in every genre imaginable) taking place throughout our entire facility, from our stage to our dressing rooms to our breathtaking courtyard. It also includes the Expo Markt, a Sunday marketplace cum performance installation featuring the goods and services of international visual artists, business owners and performers as well as a Marktbühne for musicians, dancers, jugglers, magicians and performers of all kinds!

This year, we’re looking to showcase two productions each evening from Monday, May 30 through Saturday, June 4. Works should be between approximately 45 and 65 minutes in length.

Do you want to be part of the 2016 Expat Expo? Come to the Info Abend on January 26 at 7pm to find out how to apply!

Learn more about the festival and see the lineup from last year right here!

Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion: May 30 to June 4, 2016

Expo Markt: June 5, 2016

Applications for the 2016 Expat Expo will be due by midnight on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 and the complete lineup will be announced on or about March 22, 2016.

2015 Expat Markt

A Sunday market and performance installation featuring the goods and services of international visual artists, business owners and performers as well as a Marktbühne for musicians, dancers, jugglers, magicians and performers of all kinds!


Here are some photos of the 2013 + 2014 Expat Markt!



Stripped is the story of a relationship between a man and a woman in their early thirties. The play begins with both of them, in their respective bathrooms, getting ready for their first date; a blind date arranged through a newspaper dating page.

As they dress, they reflect on their fears, feelings and hopes about their imminent meeting. By the time they meet, we – the audience – know a lot about them which has built anticipation for what is to come. It clearly isn’t going to be an easy evening.

Torrents of Rapture

Something’s off with Reggie’s boyfriend. In a fit of protectiveness(?) he’s just locked him in the bathroom like Rapunzel. Miserable and betrayed, Reggie finds solace in his friends – the hairdryer, drill, radio and toilet paper – as well the life affirming classic Torrent of Rapture.

Wildly romantic, idealized and inaccurate it seems to mirror his life exactly until it becomes clear that having a movie for a therapist is not always a good idea. As his world crumbles around him, Reggie finds his inner superhero emerging
victorious from the ruins of his shattered dreams.

Told through bad ballet and puppetry, this is Brief Encounter meets Saving Private Ryan via Monty Python style cinema, film music, animation and live song. Torrents of Rapture fuses these sumptuous elements together as it explores the social, civil and
human rights themes celebrating the bravery and sacrifice
of the men and
women who have
fought for LGBT equality over the
past 150
years. The show leaves you overwhelmed, singing and shaking with …Torrents of Rapture.

Torrents of Rapture was
created by Dugald
 in co-production with Norwich Pride and Norwich Arts Centre. Supported by Arts Council England

Improv Comedy with Good Luck, Barbara!

Berlin’s own Good Luck, Barbara! (USA/CAN) brings their inventive and intelligent brand of improvised comedy to the Expat Expo once more.

Featuring special guests from the Berlin improv community, this show brings together a smorgasbord of different types of improv, including short form, long form and music! And as always, everything is made up in front of your eyes. Like magic. Only funnier.