Rannel Theatre (UK)

Flhip_Flhop1Hip Hop meets theatre

Everything happens on the break – Hip Hop meets theatre in this brilliant and exciting show by two great Hip Hop DJ s from London. With Flhip Flhop they took the Edinburgh Festival 2009 by storm performing for three weeks to sold-out houses !

“This is a genuinely laugh-out-loud funny show, skilfully executed with razor sharp timing and intrinsic hip hop skills”  THE LIST !

A crazy pair of painters escapes the monotony of their dull jobs by taking refuge in hip-hop, Mc-ing and beatbox, mixing it up but usually ending up just mixed-up!

The elements of Hip Hop are hidden and twisted into a dynamic physical performance using found objects and intricate choreography to create an energetic and spontaneous comedy

Rannel Theatre  was founded by JoeyD and Matt Bailey. Matt Bailey has performed in plays off-Broadway and has had a professional career in dance and performance. He is also a DJ and has performed across the UK, Europe and America, releasing CDs to critical acclaim with DJ Para. Joey D is a true hip hop artist who has been representing the b-boy culture for almost a decade. At the age of 24 Joey D has already made a name for himself in the UK due to the originality of his dancing and his aggressiveness in battles, which represent the real rawness of the culture. Besides constant teaching and workshops Joey D tours theatres and schools and competes in competitions across the UK, Europe and America.

HIP HOP MEETS THEATRE – A perfect story in Hip Hop – Breakdance, Scratch and Battle. Everything happens on the Break.

Pic: Mark Sherratt
  • Tues, January 19, 2010 | 8pmMain Stage

with 4 additional performances until Jan 23, 2010

with Matt Bailey and Joey D

produced by Rannel Theatre (London)


Hip-Hop-Theater aus England

Matt und Joe renovieren einem reichen Kumpel die Wohnung – und, hei: sein DJ-Equipment wird gnadenlos strapaziert. Sofort entwickelt sich eine atemberaubende Show mit allem, was die Anlage und die beiden Londoner Tanz-, Bühnen- und DJ-Profis zu bieten haben. Die weißen Maleranzüge und die farbgetränkten Anstreichrollen sind nur der Anfang. Eine Explosion aus fantastischer Akrobatik, Hip Hop, Comedy und perfekter Performance ist garantiert.

Gangsta Rap war gestern, Flhip Flhop rules!

Matt Bailey und Joey D (= Rannel Theatre) gehören zu den gefragtesten DJs der Londoner Hip Hop Szene. Matt Bailey ist Profi-Tänzer und Schauspieler, Joey D entwickelte schon früh seinen eigenen Hip Hop-Stil und wurde für seine Angriffslust bei den Battles bekannt.  Im August 2009 nahmen sie als Rannel Theatre das extrem schwierige und wählerische Publikum des Edinburgh Festivals im Sturm und spielten dort drei Wochen vor vollem Haus.

Eine brillante und quicklebendige Hip Hop Show für alle Altersgruppen. Auch mit minimalem Englisch sehr gut zu verstehen!