And we’re back home, in Dublin, in Ireland, away from Berlin but still very much thinking of it.

The trip for us was a wonderful experience. After a long tech session we rested up and the  next day, before the first showing of As you are now so once were we, apprehension was abound. How would the audience react to it? Would they like it? Would they hate it? Are we going to be booed of the stage or applauded for trying something new theatrically? Thankfully, it was the latter.

The two showings went down a treat. The audiences were welcoming and receptive. Enjoying the nuances and intellectuality behind the piece as well as the banal narrative which surfaces it’s complicated backbone. Now, at home, we’re left with mixed feelings; grateful and humbled by the reaction  and support from everyone at the theatre and everyone who came to see the shows, and although tired and in need of a little rest, saddened that we couldn’t stay longer. Such was our experience in Berlin.

From the extremely professional staff at the theatre, to the volunteers who very kindly gave up their time to help with the show, to the citizens of the city itself who helped us out whenever we were lost, it was a pleasure to be there.

To take a one of your works to be performed in another country is a great thing, but to have taken it to ETB and have the trip that we had, then it’s a great great great thing!

From us all here at The Company, to everyone we met, we say… wir lieben euch!
