A satirical, provocative comedy written especially for the Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion Festival. Amusing, fast paced, challenging, with a little bit of romance. To make people laugh while making them think as well.
Daria and Lidia, two young women who love each other, just moved from Rome to Berlin. They are hunted by a mysterious and ambiguous, almost schizophrenic, version of the Pope. Lidia is very enthusiastic about the relocation. She thinks that in Berlin they will finally find the freedom they always dreamed about, plus an open-minded society where they can freely live being openly gay and sincere with everyone about their relationship. On the other side, Daria thinks that moving in Berlin won’t change much. She sees all the downsides of the new state of things and doesn’t feel ready to be so sincere about her sexuality, especially since she is still kept back by the guilt that her family and her Catholic education have always put into her for not being the woman, heterosexual mother and wife that she was expected to be.
At the same time, she doesn’t want to lose her partner, which puts her under a lot of pressure. All these contrasts with her lover and within herself bring her to such a state that she has visions of an unusual version of the Pope, who is experiencing a gradual transformation into a drag queen. This invasive presence at times attacks her for being a sinner and at other times seems to be enthralled by the perspective of having a free sexual life himself. These visions are another source of conflict within the couple, and the fight grows to be more intense as the drag queen Pope starts to become real and both the women’s relationship and their transfer to Berlin’s “Eldorado” risk ending in disgraceful tragedy…will they?
- Wed, June 1, 2016 | 8pmMain Stage
Written by Laura Salis (Italy) and Giovanni Bergamaschi (Italy) | Directed by Deborah de Flammineis (Italy) and Laura Salis (Italy) | With Deborah de Flammineis, Stefania Cutini (Italy) and Karl Edgar Tammi (Estonia) | Sound Design by Frank Insulina (Italy) | Lighting Design by Giovanni Bergamaschi