by Liz Erber
A multi-media play, with an absurdist and darkly humorous look at modern life in the United States. Through text, movement, video and music we look into the lives of three individuals who are seemingly trapped by their own limited views of the world. One individual, WOMAN, is attempting to dream her way out.
Central to the characters’ lives is the story of iceberg lettuce – a story of modern American food (exported to the world), monoculture, marketing, modern economic colonialism and more.
Juxtaposed with this fictional story is the current reality of the actors’ lives in Berlin.
- Wed, July 31, 2013 | 8pmMain Stage
Created and directed by Liz Erber, performed by Robert Rodgers, Harvey Rabbit and Liz Erber
- review in “Aspekte” (ZDF-TV, in German)
Tip of the Iceberg - ein Multimedia-Projekt von Liz Erber
mit absurdem Humor und einem grübelnden Blick auf die heutigen USA: drei Menschen und ihr beschränkter Blick auf die Welt. Einer davon – FRAU – träumt sich hinaus….von großer Bedeuitung für die drei Individuen und ihre Stories ist die Geschichte des Eisbergsalats, die Geschichte amerikanischer Lebensmittel also, ihres Exports, des monokulturellen Anbaus und des dahinterstehenden ökonomischen Kolonialismus