ruin ultimately nourishes.
right under noses.
ringing urgently rosies.
rocking ugly nicknames.
ruffling utter nonsense.
researching unacclaimed notes.
refreshing unity nonetheless.
raising universal nostrils.
redefining untold nightmares.
ready. unlace. nail.
Nima Sene is a performance maker, singer, dancer and spoken word poet based in Glasgow. Her practice is routed in movement and in voice. She has been a member of the Tangente Company Berlin since 2006. Nima has performed several times at Inn Deep, a spoken word monthly event in Glasgow, and will be performing this year at Tedx Glasgow. Nima is also a collaborator and has co-devised as well as acted in several performances, including break it. with Leyla O’Reilly, How To Be A Fuckin F*******! with Ama Josephine, Number by Colours written and directed by Drew Taylor, Plutonic Relations with Will Stringer, SisGo participatory dance theater by SDT. She is also a new member of the Glasgow based Burlesque Group Femme Fatal. She has performed as a singer at open mic events and will be performing in her NO Fluff performative concert duo with Merlin Hayward at Mellow Moods festival Berlin 2014.
Will Stringer is an emerging performance maker, voice over artist and actor based in Glasgow. He is currently in his second year as a scholarship student on the BA (Hons.) Contemporary Performance Practice Programme at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Will has co-created and performed in a range of theater and live art performances. These performances include out of nothing but our matter by Aby Watson, How Silver the Screen Between Us, a durational performance by Amy Pickles, and Plutonic Relations created with Nima Sene.Will has recently embarked upon acting for screen by being a dancer for Dracula: Untold by Universal Studios, a dancer in The Fame of Us by Amy Pickles and Jordyana Ataman and was also the male lead in Mannequin by Louise Dawson.
- Wed, June 11, 2014 | 8:30pmMain Stage
Created and performed by make do theatre – Nima Sene and William Stringer