with a joint reading from their works and discussion.
The U.S. Embassy Literature Series
Kiran Desai won the 2006 Booker Prize for her novel The Inheritance of Loss (dt. Erbin des verlorenen Landes). She is the daughter of Indian writer Anita Desai, grew up in India and England and has lived in the US since 1977.
Her first novel, Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (1998, dt. Der Guru im Guavenbaum) won numerous awards, followed by the international bestseller The Inheritance of Loss.
Kiran Desai is the current Holtzbrinck Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin.
Ben Marcus is the author of three novels, The Age of Wire and String (1995), Notable American Women (2002) and The Flame Alphabet (2012, dt. Flammenalphabet). His stories, essays and reviews have appeared in numerous publications.
He is an Associate Professor at Columbia University and lives in New York City and Brooklin, Maine.
Ben Marcus is currently Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow in Fiction at the American Academy in Berlin.
Foto Desai: Beowulf Sheehan/PEN American Center
- Mon, November 18, 2013 | 8pmStudio
Moderator: Gregor Dotzauer (Tagesspiegel)
Joanna Martin will provide interpretation into German Sign Language.
English Theatre Berlin in cooperation with the US Embassy, the American Academy Berlin and Hoffmann und Campe Verlag