The Welcoming of Ishmael Stamp | Pieter De Buysser | LAMPE (Brussels)
The Caretaker | Harold Pinter | a Friends of Italian Opera production directed by Günther Grosser
Dance Me to the End of Love | Theatre du Pif (Hongkong)
Checkpoint Charlie | Jesta Phoenix | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Priscilla Be
New Writing – British Plays | staged readings of Gagarin Way (Gregory Burke), Frozen (Bryony Lavery), Safety (Chris Thorpe), Blue/Orange (Joe Penhall)
Lobby Hero | Kenneth Lonergan | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Terence Lamude | in coproduction with The English Theatre Frankfurt
Gum | Karen Hartman | Further
Blowing It | Steven Sinclair | Stephen Papps (New Zealand)
Filler Up | Deb Filler (Canada)
16 June 1904 | The Balloonatics (Dublin)
Poe | Scena Theatre (Washington/DC)
Bright Colours Only | Pauline Goldsmith (Glasgow)
East-West | Jesta Phoenix | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Sabine auf der Heyde
The Lesson | Eugene Ionesco | cellarDoor Kunstgruppe / Lydia Steier
The Fever | Wallace Shawn | Scena Theatre (Washington / DC)
Far-Off Sightings of Fascinating People in the Big City | Yvette Coetzee
Birth Rite | Elizabeth Hess (New York)
The Age of Consent | Peter Morris | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Günther Grosser
New Writing – British Plays | staged readings of Vincent River (Philip Ridley), Tiny Dynamite (Abi Morgan), Love and Understanding (Joe Penhall), Adrenalin…Heart (Georgia Fitch)
New Writing – American plays | staged readings of Nixon´s Nixon (Russell Lees), The Book of Liz (Amy & David Sedaris), Proof (David Auburn)
Brimstone + Treacle | Dennis Potter | Red Square Theatre
Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me | Frank McGuinness / a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Daniel Brunet
Plays For The Poor Theatre: Gum and Goo + Christie in Love | Howard Brenton | cellarDoor Kunstgruppe / Lydia Steier
Beside Picasso | Brian McAvera | AJTC (Guildford, UK)
Die Oberbaumbrücke | education project with students from different schools
The Book of Liz | David & Amy Sedaris | a Friends if Italian Opera production, directed by Priscilla Be
Graft | Steven Berkoff | George Dillon (Brighton, UK)
White Men With Weapons | Greig Coetzee (South Africa)
2nd International Improv Festival: Crumbs (Winnipeg) | Rapid Fire (Edmonton) | Unexpected Productions (Seattle)
Closer | Patrick Marber | White Coud Productions
Adolf | Pip Utton (Bath)
Static | Unlimited Theatre (Leeds)
Top Girls | Caryl Churchill | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Robert Chevara
Butterflies | Ian McEwan | Semper Fi Ireland (Dublin)
A Brief Taste Of Lightning | Malcolm Hamilton | Blue Raincoat Theatre (Sligo, Ireland)
I Will Bear Witness – The Diaries of Victor Klemperer | George Bartenieff (New York)
Cheap Day Return | The Weird Sisters (London)
Macbeth | William Shakespeare | Blue Raincoat Theatre (Sligo/Ireland)
Malone Dies | Samuel Beckett | Conor Lovett, Gare St. Lazare Players Ireland (Cork / Ireland)
1st International Improv Festival: Crumbs (Winnipeg) | Rapid Fire (Edmonton) | Unexpected Productions (Seattle)
Lady Bracknell’s Confinement | Paul Doust | Ivy Theatre Company
Say Nothing | Ridiculusmus (Belfast)
Travels with my Aunt | Giles Havergal after Graham Greene | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Ben Twist
The Prince of West End Avenue | Alan Isler | Kerry Shale (London)
The Good Thief | Conor McPherson | Alex Miller (Mannheim)
Language Roulette | Daragh Carville | Theatre of the Pretty Vacant (Berlin)
Private Eyes | Steven Dietz | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Priscilla Be
Beckettx2 | Ivy Theatre Company
Loveplay | The Weird Sisters (London)
Sucking Stones | Paul Clark (Amsterdam)
3 Dark Tales | Theatre O (London)
Test Traveler Polar Star | Peter Rose
Kvetch | Steven Berkoff | Out to Lunch
Venus | Suzan-Lori Parks | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Matthew Earnest
The Mistress of Silence | Johnny Hanrahan after Jacqueline Harperman | Meridian Theatre (Cork, Ireland)
Molloy | Samuel Beckett | Conor Lovett, Gare St. Lazare Players Ireland (Dublin)
Witch Hunt | Brouhaha (London)
Vita and Virginia | Eileen Atkins | White Cloud Productions
The Importance of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde | KAOS Theatre (London)
Road to Nirvana | Arthur Kopit | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Nancy Bishop
Rum und Vodka | Conor McPherson | Lucid Productions (Dublin)
Blood Pudding | deep ellum ensemble (New York)
Living like Victor | hoipolloi (Cambridge / UK)
Venus & Adonis | William Shakespeare | Turlygood Theatre
When the Wall Came Down | Renate Ahrens-Kramer | Storytellers (Dublin)
All in the Timing | David Ives | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Simon Newby
Laughing Wild | Christopher Durang | a Friends of Italian Opera production, directed by Victoria Pickett
Happy Days | Samuel Beckett | Irish Theatre Co. (Dublin)
A Mother’s Heart | Dubblejoint (Belfast)
Well Farewell | Brouhaha (London)
Hello Dali Atomic | Andrew Dallmeyer | Whispering Eyes (Edinburgh)
Edmond | David Mamet | Alphabet City Theatre
The Food Chain | Nicky Silver | Out to Lunch – part of the festival Berliner Festwochen 1998
O’Shakespeare | Dennis Rafter (Madrid)
Exiles | James Joyce | Dublin Theatre Company (Dublin)
The Homecoming | Harold Pinter | directed by Ronan Wilmot – Friends of Italian Opera´s first house production!
The Purification | Tennessee Williams + The Jilting of Granny Weatherall | Katherine Anne Porter | deep ellum ensemble (New York)
Quills | Doug Wright | Black Box Theatre (Prague)
Talking Heads | Alan Bennett | London Actor Company
Djuna Barnes | Jan Aleith
Here Be Dragons | Paul Outlaw
The Lover | Harold Pinter | Out to Lunch
Bells and Trains | Yehuda Amichai | Common Basis Theatre (New York)
Waiting for Godot | Samuel Beckett | Dublin Theatre Company (Dublin)
A Bright Room Called Day | Tony Kushner | ExdeLuxe
Straight to Waterloo | Theater Skarabäus
Unzipped | Keith Johnston | Hyde Park Theatre
Sugar Brown Divine and May | China Clark (New York)
Dracula | Bram Stoker | The Balloonatics (Dublin)
Seriously Jane | Be & Aleith
A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens | Theatre of the Pretty Vacant (Berlin/Dublin)
Zany of Sorrow | The Balloonatics (Dublin)
Whale Music | Anthony Minghella | Berliner Grundtheater
Love and Anger | George F. Walker | Out to Lunch
Mr. Joyce is leaving Paris | Tom Gallacher | The Dublin Theatre Company (Dublin)
Pulp Fission | Reactor’s Studio
I Howl With Glee And Drink | Jan Aleith
The Abduction | Berlin Playactors
Hemingway Reminisces | James Mitchell Lear (Miami)
The Too Late Night Show | Adrian Kennedy
Accidents of Passion | Reactor’s Studio
All In The Timing | David Ives | Out to Lunch
Am I My Brother’s Keeper? | Rik Maverik
Vincent | Klaas Hofstra (Amsterdam)
Blithe Spirit | Noel Coward | Berliner Grundtheater
Counting The Ways | Edward Albee | Out to Lunch
A Report For An Academy | Franz Kafka | Mathis Schrader
Division Street | Steve Tesich | Out to Lunch
I Was Joseph Stalin | S.N.A.F.U
Vintage Velvet Visuals | Jon Flynn
Insignificance | Terry Johnson | Out to Lunch
King Lear | William Shakespeare | Berliner Grundtheater
Four Performers – Eight Evenings | Jon Flynn / Bridge Markland / Jean Verdier
Riverun | Michael Devine | Sugarfoot Cloud Devine
One Evening: 3 Soloperformerinnen | Priscilla Be / Syd Atlas / Bridge Markland
Jesters And Gestures | Jon Flynn
I Was Wim Wender’s Love Slave | Gayle Tufts
Butley | Simon Grey | S.N.A.F.U
Vocations | Alma de Groen | S.N.A.F.U
DJ And The Decadents | The Balloonatics
A History Of One | Joy Cutler
Baby With The Bathwater | Christopher Durang | Out to Lunch
A Delicate Balance | Edward Albee | Berlin Playactors
Erik Satie und die musikalischen Kinder | Harald-Alexander Korp
Fool For Love | Sam Shepard | RV in Berlin
The Importance Of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde | Berliner Grundtheater
A Dandy’s Brocade | Jon Flynn
Catch 22 | Joseph Heller | S.N.A.F.U
Laundry and Lone Star | James McLure | Out to Lunch
Still Crabby After All These Beers | Priscilla Be
Appropriate Schmoozing | Gayle Tufts
Bridgeland | Bridge Markland
Walkabout | Joy Cutler
The Pursuit Of Happiness & Hamlet | Priscilla Be & Syd Atlas
Daggers, Dragons & Decadent Dwarfs | Jon Flynn
Play | Lindy Annis
Endwords | A Montage from Samuel Beckett’s work | Chris O’Neill (Dublin)
The 1st Berlin Joyce-Days featuring different performers
Ramona’s Headache | Joy Cutler | Out to Lunch
Stoom and Blephen: New Womanly Man | Joyce adaptions | The Balloonatics (Dublin)
1990 – founded in June 1990 under the name FREUNDE DER ITALIENISCHEN OPER
Noodle Highway (A Spaghetti Mid-Western) | Joy Cutler | Out to Lunch