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International Performing Arts Center


Opportunity Alert! FREE Adaptation Workshop with Vincent Murphy (November 24)

Take part in Vincent Murphy’s workshop on theatrical adaptation for free!

November 24, 2023 from 10am to 2pm

Places are limited to ten participants and people who are interested must register in advance by sending an email to Vincent Murphy at

Vincent Murphy and his wife Petra Milde have recently decided to live half time in New York City and the other half in Berlin. Vinnie would like to get to know people in the arts and theater community in Berlin so he’s offering his internationally recognized workshop on adaptation to anyone who is interested in theater or the arts. His workshop is based on his groundbreaking book Page to Stage. He will be giving a short piece for members of the workshop to adapt mostly in small groups, enjoying a process of discovery and how the structure of a play works. If you have material, you’re interested in adapting he will leave some time at the end of the workshop to do some brainstorming,

The workshop is informative, fun and engaging. You can look at the complete brochure for quotes from companies and individuals around the United States, Canada and Europe that have taken the workshop in the past. Although you would have a deeper grasp of the work if you get the book from Amazon or The University of Michigan Press, Vinnie will email you the first chapter which is all you need to read for the workshop.

Recommendation from ‐‑Robert Schenkkan, Pulitzer Prize and Tony winner for Best Play:

Vincent Murphy has of course run the very successful Brave New Works series of new play development at Theater Emory in Atlanta for many years, working with some of the best known and most successful playwrights in America, as well as being a much sought after director and an extremely popular teacher.

To all these credits, he now adds author, and the theatrical world is much the richer for it. Murphy has written an extremely useful guide for anyone – professional, non-­‐‑professional, student, teacher – who is interested in the process of theatrical adaptation.

In precise, clear prose, which is both lucid and enjoyable, Murphy outlines his ʺsix building blocks”structured approach which takes the reader from how to choose literary material to bringing their finished script to life.

Despite the enormous popularity of theatrical adaptation across the world, I have never seen anyone attempt to codify the process, and Murphyʹs short, entertaining volume fills a much-needed gap. I cannot recommend it enough.”

Expo Submission Deadline Extended Until Midnight Tonight (February 3, 2017)

Because you demanded it! We have extended our deadline until midnight on February 3, 2017!

Calling all Berlin-based professional performing artists! The 5th Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion festival will be held from April 2 – 8, 2017!

Complete information is available right here! If you have questions, please email expatexpo (at)



Info Nights and Call for Applications for the 2017 Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion Festival!

Calling all Berlin-based professional performing artists! The 5th Expat Expo | Immigrant Invasion festival will be held from April 2 – 8, 2017!

We’re holding two separate Info Abend and Artists Mixer events on Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, January 10 at 7pm where all interested parties are invited to meet potential collaborators, see our space and find out everything they need to know to apply to have their work included in the festival!

Complete information is available right here!